Step 1/修整指甲形狀及清潔指甲面(包裝內附酒精濕紙巾)
Step 2/選擇合適自己的甲面大小相約的指甲貼後,撕開準備貼上。
Step 3/將指甲貼對準甲面底部邊緣置中貼上,然後向左右兩邊整平指甲貼。Step 4/軟身指甲貼覆蓋全個甲面後,將指頭前端多餘的指甲貼往下摺,再用美甲磨棒(包裝內附)磨掉軟身多餘的指甲貼。
(Optional :最後塗1-2層指甲面油(Top Coat)便可達到Gel甲的亮面效果。)
Nail Wrap - WT011
/The design is simple, with a transparent background design deliberately
Firstly, it will not show our darker.
Secondly, it is very suitable for girls whose nails grow faster./
This Nail wrap uses environmentally friendly material. The advantages of nail wrap are easy to tear, easy to tear off =)
It is non-toxic, harmless and tasteless.
Step 1:
Wash hands and clean nails before applying our WT Nail Polish Wrap.Step 2:
Select a nail wrap slightly smaller than your real nail.Step 3:
Centre nail wrap at the base of your nail.
Press downwards on both sides of the nail, and repeat
as needed to smoothen out any air bubbles or wrinkles.Step 4:
File downwards to remove excess wrap.
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